Sunday, April 11, 2010

School Lunches

The time has come, we are at the end of 2 glorious weeks of school holidays. I hope you enjoyed the time at home with your children. We stayed close to home, mainly because we came into contact with some nasty headlice. This was the start of conditioner baths and becoming competent with a fine tooth comb. I promised my girls that i would never shave their heads although i did threaten, if we ever came into contact with the nasty little critters again. I still remember when my mother opted for the easy option to get rid of them when i was of similar age to my daughter.

Well we must get back to the reality of the early morning rush of trying to get the entire family organised, lunches packed, children fed all before 8.00am.

We all know it's a good idea to lay clothes out the night before and to make the lunches, but who actually does it?

On the eve of my girls returning to school i endeavoured that i would be organised. This is what i have packed so far:
Roast chicken,lettuce,grated carrot, finely chopped broccoli and a hard boiled egg.
I just need to cut the orange and add it to the pineapple and we are almost done.

I'm a huge fan of a good healthy nutritious lunchbox. I really think parents intentions are loyal when they are packing their children's lunch box, but perhaps dont understand the macronutrient breakdown required to make a healthy lunch. The following is a guide for all meals, and a few suggestions for school lunches.

Protein source/ chicken legs or wings, lamb cuttlets, tinned tuna or salmon and eggs

Carbohydrate/ raw carrots, cucumber,tomatoes, broccoli,apple, and oranges

Fat/ Avocado

I hope this is of some help, have a great school week.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

What's for Dinner?

How often do we hear this frustrating question.
I think it's frustrating because , well what do i look like, a chef.
Would anyone else like to offer a suggestion on what to feed the entire family and hope that everyone is pleased with the decision.
What if we broke away from "normal" dinner foods and offered a selection " a free for all" of cooked and raw vegetables, some fruit a good meat/protein source and a "GOOD" fat source. (yes i said fat)
I know what your thinking, my child would never go for that.

What if they were given the choice of what they put on their plates, would they be enticed.....maybe a little.
Damn straight they would, especially if that's all you offered.
This way of eating actually simplifies the dreaded thought of what to feed the family.

The checklist:
Lean Meat source
Vegetable or small amount of fruit (Carbohydrate)
Good Fat source derived from animal fat, avocado, coconut oil/milk

They will not starve to death over not eating ONE meal.
I can tell you that if your child is hungry, they will eat.....Perseverance

Give it a try, i would love to hear of what you come up with.

This was our dinner:
Cajun Atlantic Salmon
Rocket, Spanish onion and cucumber ribbons
Orange segments and a Garlic Mayo sauce
This is what the girls ate (in record time mind you)
Atlantic Salmon
Baby spinach
Carrot ribbons
Capsicum and orange segments

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The best paleo cookies EVER!!!!!!

120g Raw almonds
120g Pitted dates
60g Desicated coconut
1/4 cup warm honey
2 eggs
Place all dry ingredients in a food processor. Process.
Add warm honey and 2 eggs. Process
Refrigerate for 10 minutes. This will make it easier to roll into balls.
Take out of fridge and have a rounded teaspoon of mixture.

Roll into balls
Place onto a lined baking tray and gently use a fork to lightly flatten.
180 degrees for 15-20 min
Makes 20-22.
So easy, and super delicious.

Egg Muffins

10 -12 eggs whisked well
1 green onion OR Brown/red onion
2 zucchini
3 big handfuls of spinach/frozen packet (squeeze excess water)
1/2 red Capsicum
6-8 slices of bacon OR/tuna/salmon
sea salt and black pepper to taste
Garlic* optional
Preheat oven to180 and grease two muffin pans with olive oil/coconut oil

Whisk all your eggs in a big bowl.

In a food processor place the onion, zucchini, bacon, capsicum and spinach process until finely chopped/pulsed but NOT smooth .

Add this mixture to your eggs.

Mix the egg mixture well 1/2 fill the muffin pans
(once you have half filled the trays, top up with mixture evenly amongst the 24)

If you have to much time on your hands you could roast the capsicum and cook off the bacon.
Makes 24
Cook for 35-45 depending upon the moisture if frozen spinach was used
OR until lightly coloured.

The Family

These guys are the reason for searching for something better.
I want our Girls to understand the effects some foods have on their growing bodies.
I want them to be informed with the good nutrition choices available and the bad nutrition that is being constantly advertised, so they can make good choices.


If you are anything like me, and have stumbled by in hope to get your children eating better…..
I may be able to offer a recipe.
There are no quick fix solutions for children to magically start eating their greens, or anything else that resembles ”Real Food” for that matter.
But i will be sneaky when i have to be, all in the name of good nutrition and getting the most out of our day.
I want my children to understand the effects of good and bad nutrition choices.
My aim is to post pictures and recipes that are good to feed the whole family.
I will post as much as time/life permits.
I would love to hear your recipes or sneakiness to get your kids eating right.