The time has come, we are at the end of 2 glorious weeks of school holidays. I hope you enjoyed the time at home with your children. We stayed close to home, mainly because we came into contact with some nasty headlice. This was the start of conditioner baths and becoming competent with a fine tooth comb. I promised my girls that i would never shave their heads although i did threaten, if we ever came into contact with the nasty little critters again. I still remember when my mother opted for the easy option to get rid of them when i was of similar age to my daughter.
Well we must get back to the reality of the early morning rush of trying to get the entire family organised, lunches packed, children fed all before 8.00am.
We all know it's a good idea to lay clothes out the night before and to make the lunches, but who actually does it?
On the eve of my girls returning to school i endeavoured that i would be organised. This is what i have packed so far:
Roast chicken,lettuce,grated carrot, finely chopped broccoli and a hard boiled egg.
I just need to cut the orange and add it to the pineapple and we are almost done.
I'm a huge fan of a good healthy nutritious lunchbox. I really think parents intentions are loyal when they are packing their children's lunch box, but perhaps dont understand the macronutrient breakdown required to make a healthy lunch. The following is a guide for all meals, and a few suggestions for school lunches.
Protein source/ chicken legs or wings, lamb cuttlets, tinned tuna or salmon and eggs
Carbohydrate/ raw carrots, cucumber,tomatoes, broccoli,apple, and oranges
Fat/ Avocado
I hope this is of some help, have a great school week.